Email: or use the site's live chat
- Once you place your order, please allow 1 business days for processing orders. After this, 1-7 business days for delivery
- Yes! All orders include tracking. It will automatically be sent to your email you provide us with. Please follow our above question to see when they will be shipped out.
- You will get a confirmation email when you have placed your order, and another when your order is on it's way!
- We currently accept Credit Card. You do not need a PayPal account to pay.
When you order multiple items at a time some may be shipped separately from one of our multiple warehouses. You may receive one item before the next. So don't panic if you don't receive all of your items at once…they will get to you!
- You have 30 minutes to cancel your order once it has been placed. All orders are handmade once you order, so it is unlikely for us to cancel/change an order, but in some cases, we can. So please make sure you spend some time browsing and order the correct items that you want! Just email us and we will be sure to help you out.